“There is a fountain of youth: it is in your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” ~Sophia Loren
5 Ways to Stay on Healthy Path All Year Long
You have the power to stay on a healthy path all year long if you want too!
Why Stay on a Healthy Path?
Imagine the alternative…the cost of being sick!
Being sick means time away from work and even loss of income if you’ve run out of sick pay.
Being sick means taking time to see the doctor and then time to run to the pharmacy for medications.
Long term this can take a toll on your body’s well-being.
8 Ways to Build Up Your Immune System Naturally
Do you feel run down and tired continually? You may need to build up your immune system to protect your body from colds, flu and other diseases. The immune system is the body’s defense device to fight off the illness and infection invaders. When your body is not in peak condition, your immune system can fail to function as well as it should.
8 Ways to Build Up Your Immune System
- Drink plenty of water. Your body depends on water for good health. Try to follow the “8 by 8 rule”. Drink at least 8 – 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Ideally, you want to consume half your body weight in ounces. [Read more…]
Stay on Healthy Track All Year Long
Do you want to save both time and money? Then staying on a healthy track all year long will lead you in that direction. Just imagine what it costs you to take time off work, rushing you or your sick kids to the doctor then running to the drug store for medications and finally falling into bed exhausted. Over time it can take a toll on you and your families well being.
The solution and secret to a long and healthy life is proper maintenance to your body. Think about it we do maintenance all the time for material items that can even be replaced like; cars appliances, computers, home furnace and the list goes on. You can’t replace your whole body when it stops functioning. So why not keep your body tuned up on a daily basis by simply eating well and exercising. [Read more…]
8 Healthiest New Year’s Resolutions
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? They are a great way to kick start a new year. Some of the most common ones are; weight loss, eat healthier, exercise more, get out of debt and save more money. Check out my list of the 8 healthiest New Year’s Resolutions that I plan to tackle!
Want 2012 to be different than the previous years where you actually stick to a resolution? The key to success with any resolution is to have an action plan! So decide on at least one resolution that is a burning desire for you to tackle! Then make a plan, add it to your calendar, get started and stay committed until you reach your goal! [Read more…]