Concerned you’re not getting enough nutrients in your diet?
Then eat whole foods from all the colors of the rainbow to yield powerhouse nutrients and energize your body for better health and strong bones.
Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach
Concerned you’re not getting enough nutrients in your diet?
Then eat whole foods from all the colors of the rainbow to yield powerhouse nutrients and energize your body for better health and strong bones.
“There is a fountain of youth: it is in your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” ~Sophia Loren
Christmas VACATION week…woooot!! What a perfect time to start a 10 day whole foods detox right?
So off to Natural Grocers I go with my long grocery list in hand of yummy ingredients for salads, soups, snacks, protein and chicken recipes from the detox book.
Piled high on the counter were veggies, greens, spices, almond butter, miso paste and more. The store clerk was wondering what I was up to and I imagine you are too. She said, “You are doing a detox during the holidays? What about all those yummy holiday foods?”
Sure I do my best to eat clean but I do have a weakness for…fresh baked cookies especially Christmas cookies. I love love them times infinity! Yum sugar cookies…soft and chewy underbaked…straight out of the oven…breaking apart as you eat…sweet tasting sugar…oh sorry where was I?!
Back to the detox. It just seemed like an easier time to fit in during my vacation. So, let’s dig in and learn how to douse the inflamed body with whole foods!
Lifestyle is a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person.
How many of your fruits and vegetables have toxic chemicals? About 65 percent of the produce samples test positive. Environmental Working Group (EWG) released for the 10th year in a row their list of the most pesticide contaminated produce know as the Dirty Dozen™.
“If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” ~Eubie Blake, age 100.
You too can live to age 100!
Each of us can live young, vibrant, energetic and healthy lives for a long time if we want to. Continue reading about the 5 keys to healthy aging.
Pick an activity that you will stick with like; bowling, swimming, tennis, yoga, golf and walking. Being active will maintain muscle tone, burn calories and reduce free-radical damage in your body slowing down the aging process.
Commit to 30 minutes a day in one session or 10-minute intervals 3 times a day. [Read more…]