How many of your fruits and vegetables have toxic chemicals? About 65 percent of the produce samples test positive. Environmental Working Group (EWG) released for the 10th year in a row their list of the most pesticide contaminated produce know as the Dirty Dozen™.
Alkaline Foods versus Acidic Foods: Which Are Better?
Alkaline foods versus acidic foods: which are better and why does it matter? Basically alkaline foods consumed 80% of the time should allow the body to maintain a pH level of 7.365 which is just slightly alkaline. With a more alkaline body, longevity and optimal health increase and the risk of chronic diseases like; diabetes, obesity and heart problems decrease.
How the Body Processes Nutrients
Well the body is constantly trying to maintain a pH level of slightly alkaline. The body pulls the nutrients from the food you eat then either acidifies or alkalizes the blood. When there are not enough nutrients to maintain the slightly alkaline state next the body pulls from nutrients stored in the bones and other places in the body. When this backup runs dry, the body becomes a hotbed for chronic diseases.
[iconbox title=”TIP” icon=”List_w__Images.png”]Biggest fear regarding an acidic diet is bone loss due to the body releasing minerals from your bones in order to optimize your body’s pH level.[/iconbox]
Savor a Rainbow of Healthy Foods
You know it’s important to eat your greens, but what about your reds, your blues and even your purple and orange? Eating a broad range of fruits and vegetables from the full color spectrum helps ensure proper nutrition and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart and cancer.
Tip: Savor a rainbow of healthy foods to help your body bounce back stronger from exercise.
Get ready to color your plate, read the benefits of my top color picks and brighten up your day!
Orange found in carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and pumpkins contains beta carotene which your body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin supports vision health, immunity and production of red blood cells which transports oxygen throughout your body giving you more energy. These vegetables are heart healthy lowering LDL cholesterol and blood pressure. So there maybe something to that “eat your carrots” that your parents always told you to do. [Read more…]