Christmas VACATION week…woooot!! What a perfect time to start a 10 day whole foods detox right?
So off to Natural Grocers I go with my long grocery list in hand of yummy ingredients for salads, soups, snacks, protein and chicken recipes from the detox book.
Piled high on the counter were veggies, greens, spices, almond butter, miso paste and more. The store clerk was wondering what I was up to and I imagine you are too. She said, “You are doing a detox during the holidays? What about all those yummy holiday foods?”
Sure I do my best to eat clean but I do have a weakness for…fresh baked cookies especially Christmas cookies. I love love them times infinity! Yum sugar cookies…soft and chewy underbaked…straight out of the oven…breaking apart as you eat…sweet tasting sugar…oh sorry where was I?!
Back to the detox. It just seemed like an easier time to fit in during my vacation. So, let’s dig in and learn how to douse the inflamed body with whole foods!
Inflammation – Is It Acute or Chronic
Acute inflammation is simply the body’s natural response to an infection or an injury like a sprained ankle. Typically the symptoms subside in a few days after the immune system has done it’s job to heal the affected area.
Chronic inflammation is usually the result of an immune system imbalance. It can be caused by a combination of factors even taking years to develop. Often times there is a trigger – infection or stress to the body bringing awareness of the condition. Chronic inflammation is also known as the “silent killer” building up inflammation and plaque as you age striking as young as the 20-30’s with minimal symptoms.
7 Common Factors of Chronic Inflammation
- Poor nutritional diet (too much sugar & processed foods)
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Stress
- Gut imbalances
- Lack of exercise
- Excess fat
- Food allergies (gluten, dairy & nuts)
Here’s what Dr, Mark Hyman says about hidden inflammation, “Finding out whether or not you are suffering from hidden inflammation is critical, because almost every modern disease is caused or affected by it.”
Learn his SIMPLE solution to reducing inflammation in his article, “Is Your Body Burning Up with Hidden Inflammation. ”
Whole Foods Lifestyle
Adapting to a whole foods lifestyle is essential for your health, well-being and longevity. By consuming a diet rich in whole foods allows the body to restore balance, blood sugars and decreases chronic inflammation.
Eat an abundance of these healthy whole foods:
Greens – arugula, spinach, romaine, watercress, kale and mixed greens
Vegetables – cucumber, peppers: red, yellow, green, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, red onion, snap peas, cabbage, asparagus, etc.
Protein – chicken, turkey, salmon, sardines, herring, shrimp, tofu, tempeh and hard-boiled eggs
Fats, Oils & Nut Butters – avocado, extra virgin olive oil, flax, grape seed or avocado oil, almond, cashew or walnut raw nut butter
Nuts & Seeds, raw – almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and flax, chia, hemp, pumpkin and sesame seeds
Spices, anti-inflammatory – turmeric, ginger, rosemary, cayenne pepper, sage, oregano, cumin, cinnamon,cilantro and parsley
At its core, Dr Hyman’s transformative approach is centered on diet and lifestyle modifications He maintains that our grocery store should be our drug store: “What is at the end of our fork,” he declares, “is more essential and important than what is at the bottom of our pill bottles.” And, “each meal is a chance to heal.” In short healthy food equals healthy relationships equals healthy world.
Do you need to detox? Take the 3 minute quiz and get answers NOW.
Get the book > 10-Day Detox Diet by Dr. Mark Hyman and restart your life today!
Photo credit: Photodune
Cheers to a Healthy Life!