Living an Anti-Inflammatory Life series second article – Reducing Inflammation Naturally. Check back for future posts to read more about Living an Anti-Inflammatory Life.
Causes of Hidden Inflammation
Most people will say they feel healthy so why should they be concerned about inflammation. Well, there could be inflammation inside your body with no apparent symptoms in the short-term, but with bad consequences in the long-term.
Some causes of inflammation include: hidden allergens from food and the environment, chronic infections, lack of exercise, mold toxins, poor diet, pesticide toxins and stress. Inflammation may also be associated with general “flu” like symptoms which include; fatigue, loss of energy, headaches, loss of appetite and muscle stiffness.
Routine check-ups with your doctor and blood labs can help uncover hidden inflammation.
Reducing Inflammation Naturally
The most common treatments for reducing inflammation are NSAIDS such as ibuprofen and steroids. Overuse of these treatments can interfere with the body’s natural immune response to inflammation and in time can lead to serious side effects including liver and kidney damage. The key to preventing this damage is daily consumption of natural anti-inflammatories from whole foods and nutritional supplements.
For maximum benefit select a supplement which is wildcrafted from whole-fruit mangosteen (garcinia mangostana) rich in xanthones that are found in the outer pericarp rind. Over three decades of scientific studies support the use of mangosteen xanthones and demonstrate their effectiveness in reducing free radical damage and chronic inflammatory diseases.
List of resources, all worth checking out.
Vitamins That Fight Inflammation from
Mangosteen and Inflammation at
Published scientific studies from U.S. National Library of Medicine
5 Superfoods To Eat Now from
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Cheers to a Healthy Day!
Lou Ann