The twists and turns of my life have led me to where I am today. Over the years I’ve done personal research on all facets of healthy eating and nutritional supplementation to reach optimal health and longevity. I conquered both migraine headaches and hypoglycemia low blood sugar. It prompted me to question what else is possible with nutrition. So begins my journey as a healthy living blogger at
My blog writings focus on actionable information about anti-aging, physical activity, eating healthy, healing your body naturally and learning how to live young every day!
You are a healthy living blogger…
Your friends always look at your plate to see what healthy foods you are eating
You think healthy and live healthy every day (try it, what you think about you bring about)
Your friends ask what diet are you on, currently the Eat Right 4 Your Type (blood type)
You frequently update your editorial calendar with future blog post titles and ideas
Your friends say “Oh you don’t need to watch what you eat, you look great.”
You walk your talk using the 90/10 rule (occasional fresh baked snicker doodle cookie is ok)
Your friends ask you “What is this bone broth thing?”
You spend your days researching and learning how to live a healthier life naturally
Your friends keep asking how to use essential oils for natural healing
You make time to walk 12-15 miles a week as a natural way to heal cholesterol (it’s true!)
BIG thank you to all of my friends and family who encouraged me to start my blog. I love to write and share information about how to live a healthier life.
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Cheers to a Healthy Life!
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Instagram: louanndonovan
Pinterest: louanndonovan
Twitter: @louanndonovan
Facebook: LiveYoungNow