Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? They are a great way to kick start a new year. Some of the most common ones are; weight loss, eat healthier, exercise more, get out of debt and save more money. Check out my list of the 8 healthiest New Year’s Resolutions that I plan to tackle!
Want 2012 to be different than the previous years where you actually stick to a resolution? The key to success with any resolution is to have an action plan! So decide on at least one resolution that is a burning desire for you to tackle! Then make a plan, add it to your calendar, get started and stay committed until you reach your goal!
8 Healthiest New Year’s Resolutions
1) Shop smarter and eat healthier. Make a grocery list instead of aimlessly walking through the store which can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet. Select fruits and vegetables from all the colors of the rainbow; sweet potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, blueberries, eggplant, black beans and onions.
2) Exercise at home. Skip the gym membership this year and choose a fitness program via electronic media; Nintendo’s Wii Fit Plus, DVR your favorite fitness show on television or watch a YouTube fitness video from your computer.
3) Lose the weight for good this year! Doctors will tell you that drinking a meal replacement protein shake for breakfast is the best way to start your day. Protein first thing in the morning keeps your blood sugar levels balanced and allows your body to burn stored fat as fuel. Shakes also teach you how to eat less and lose weight quickly and permanently.
4) Reduce your stress by getting plenty of sleep. Short bouts of stress give you energy but don’t let stress become chronic increasing your risk for insomnia, depression, obesity and heart disease. Get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Develop a night time routine just like we teach our children; go to bed at a regular time, turn down the thermostat, read a book before bedtime and enjoy a small glass of milk.
5) Organize your finances and save money. Decide this is the year to save more and spend less. Put your credit cards in the draw and pay cash for what you need. Develop a plan and commit to paying down your credit card debt each month. Save 10% of your monthly income direct deposited into your bank. Meet with a financial planner to review your finances and retirement plans to see if you are on track.
6)Learn something new to keep your mind active. No matter how old you are…always keep learning something new. An active mind is what keeps us young and decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s! So learn a new language, go back to college, start a blog and read personal development books.
7) Volunteer your time to those in need. Our happiness increases when we help others. Select a non-profit organization with a cause that you have a passion for. Pick a schedule that you can stick with. Commit to helping at least once a quarter and then increase to monthly as time permits in your schedule.
8 ) Make time to travel! Our family lives to travel! We are blessed to have a timeshare that allows us to travel all over the world. Traveling allows you to step out of your routine. So plan a vacation every year…enjoy the adventure, discovery and rejuvenation to your body and soul.
What one New Year’s Resolution for 2012 will you pick to tackle?
Lose the weight for good this year – transform your body and your life in 2012!
Live Young! ~ Lou Ann Donovan