My Life List…oh the places you’ll go and the things you’ll see and do!
Places to Visit
- Australia
- St Maarten
- Italy
- Thailand
- Coasta Rica
- Ireland
- Cape Town [Read more…]
Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach
My Life List…oh the places you’ll go and the things you’ll see and do!
Could atherosclerosis be clogging your arteries? It can strike at any age 20-30’s, 40-50’s, 60 and up…
One might think twice about lifestyle choices if you knew what was going on in your arteries. The narrowing and hardening of the arteries creates a slowdown in blood flow with minimal symptoms. Hence atherosclerosis is known as the “silent-killer”. The body is silently building up inflammation and clogging the arteries as you age striking as young as the 20-30’s. To reduce the risk of a major stroke or heart attack maintaining this blood flow is essential to living a healthy and long life.
“Don’t let your arteries retire early. Let them know you mean business by taking steps toward a healthy lifestyle. See your doctor and address your risk factors. Then, turn back the clock by giving your arteries a regular workout. They’ll thank you later, and you may add years to your life.” from article Your Arteries Age-by-Age. [Read more…]
Research suggests that your blood type may affect several areas of your health such as; digestive system, diet profile, type of exercise, weight loss results, supplements and health risk to various diseases.
When reading the diet profile about my blood type O, I was not surprised by what I read. It recommends that I reduce gluten/wheat which I’ve had sensitivity and to increase protein which helps with my low blood sugar. So there may be something to eating for your blood type. Here’s my earlier post with the blood type diet profile foods and best exercises for your type: Eating Right for Your Blood Type
Find your blood type below and read about your susceptibility to various health risks, strengths within your body, weight loss foods which ones to reduce and increase in your diet and suggested supplements to add.
Health Risk: heart disease, cancer, anemia, liver and gallbladder disorders and type 1 diabetes
Strengths: immune system metabolizes nutrients easily, adapts well to changes in diet and environment
Weight Loss: reduce meat, dairy, wheat and increase vegetables, soy foods, pineapple and add supplements B-12, folic acid, vitamin C and E [Read more…]
Can you naturally reverse the signs of aging both inside and outside the body? Keep reading to learn more about free radicals, antioxidants and superfoods. Check out the list below “10 Tricks to Reverse Aging”.
Aging by definition is the process of getting older, or an artificial process to make someone or something look older. Anti-aging is preventing, reversing or basically slowing down the aging process. We will all die at some point so you can’t stop aging but you can slow it down.
Our bodies require many nutrients working together for good bone health. Key nutrients include; magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, folic acid, vitamins B6 C, D, and K. In addition protein is necessary to build collagen and healthy fats for Vitamin D absorption plus protection from bone destroying free radicals.
[box type=”tick”]Tip: Most easily absorbed source of Vitamin D comes from the sun – just need 30 minutes every day (without sunscreen to allow absorption).[/box]
Bones are composed of 65% calcium phosphate salts for hardness and 35% collagen for flexibility. If the collagen is removed, the remaining calcium salts will shatter when a fall occurs. Studies have shown that consuming excessive calcium may increase the risk of fractures as we age.
Did you know…that knowing your health numbers could save your life? According to this article, Key Numbers for Heart Health on there are 3 key numbers that could give you a lifesaving preview of your cardiac risk:
[iconbox title=”3 Keys” icon=”Locked.png”]Let’s look closer[/iconbox]
Blood pressure is considered normal when it’s below 120/80. Your systolic number (120) measures the pressure of blood against artery walls when the heart pumps blood out during a heartbeat. The diastolic number (80) measures the same pressure between heartbeats when the heart fills with blood. [Read more…]