Some people can eat all types of food and they don’t have any problems, while others suffer from bloating, gas and heartburn. Research has shown different blood types are not able to digest the same foods in the same way.
Your blood type can also determine how susceptible you are to certain illnesses. When you eat the wrong foods for your blood type, the protein lectins in those foods attack specific body organs causing inflammation, disease and cancer.
Do you know your blood type? If not, ask your physician to order a special blood test. The most common is blood Type O; followed by Type A, Type B and then Type AB being very rare.
Continue reading to learn more about the foods to enjoy, foods to avoid and exercise tips for your blood type.
Different Blood Types
Blood Type A should ideally be vegetarian eating whole grains, tofu, fruits and vegetables. They are usually lactose intolerant and should avoid dairy products. They have a difficult time digesting animal protein and should avoid smoked or cured meats due to the sodium nitrites. A nutrition supplement is recommended containing vitamin B12, minerals and enzymes since they are prone to anemia. The best exercise for this blood type is calming yoga, golf and other ways to relieve their stress.
Blood Type B can tolerant most foods including; meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products. They tend to have a problem with gluten and should avoid wheat products. Other foods to avoid are peanuts, corn, tomatoes, seafood, soda, chicken as they will cause weight gain. The best exercise is moderate walking and swimming.
Blood Type AB is very rare and should follow the food lists from Type A and Type B. They should avoid gluten and wheat products along with chicken, corn and smoked meats. They can consume animal protein such as turkey. The best exercise is moderate walking and calming yoga.
Blood Type O is the most common type. They can eat animal protein, seafood, vegetables and fruits. Minimize carbohydrates and dairy products and avoid gluten and wheat products as all of these are not digested very well. Since their digestive system already contains stomach acid, avoid drinking coffee and drink green tea instead. The best exercise is regular aerobic workouts, jogging and weight training.
If you are experiencing digestive problems, serious illness or cancer, eating the right foods for your blood type can help keep your organs healthy and even help you lose weight.
Eating for your blood type is solely based on research and there is no scientific proof that it works. My belief is to take your health into your own hands. So do your own research and decide for yourself what to put into your body to stay healthy and live young.
Few Resources to check out
Order these books from Amazon:
- Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter J. D’Adamo, ND, naturopathic physician
- Read from WebMD Food for Your Blood article about eating for your blood type.