Wonder what words like organic, natural, GMO and healthy mean on a food label? How about the word pasture-raised, cage-free or free-range on egg cartons and poultry packages in the grocery store? There are more than 15 different types of food labels claiming where the food comes from and how it was produced. With all these labels it can be so confusing to really know what you are eating. Below are some common food claims that I’m familiar with…
Archives for June 2014
15 Tips for Happiness Now
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
Happiness is really achievable for all of us. It is determined more by what we think than by what happens to us in life. Start by developing good daily habits and positive thoughts to begin your journey to happiness now!
- Pray – each morning ask for God’s guidance to lead you through each day.
- Smile – to all you meet. They might wonder what you are up to!
- Reflect – on your day ahead by sitting in silence for 10 minutes.
- Kindness – be kind to all who you meet as you don’t know what they might be going through.
- Fun – don’t take yourself too seriously, relax and have fun with life.
- Control – only you are in charge of your happiness, no one else.
- Relationships – take the time to invest energy with those you care about for a happier life.
- Giving – give from your heart of your time and/or money to help the less fortunate.
- Manage Time – stay on top of tasks that need to get done by saying no more often. Your happiness will thank you!
- Social – being social as you age is the key to longevity. Stay in touch with your friends with a phone call, grab coffee and play card games each week.
- Thankful – be thankful for what you have which is enough. Stop comparing yourself to what others have.
- Healthy Living – eat well to live well. Choose foods from all the colors of the rainbow. Be active for a healthy happy body.
- Present Moment – treasure the present moment as each new day is truly a gift from God.
- Gratitude – each night write down 3 things that you are grateful for, with no repeats. I do and it helps me be grateful more each day.
- Share – this post with others so they can have happiness now!
Which happiness tip are you ready to start now? I’d love to hear from you!
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Cheers to a Healthy Life!
Photo credit: Photodune
Lust for Life?
Searching for your fountain of youth? The secret may be found in your lust for life!
Watch on YouTube the song “Lust for Life” co-written by Iggy Pop and David Bowie way back in 1977. I know some of you may not have been born yet! It is such a fun and energizing beat. Makes you want to get up and dance! Fun fact: Bruce Willis covered this song for the soundtrack of the 2003 film “Rugrats Go Wild”.
Just 30 minutes a day of any physical activity is all that it takes to live young! [Read more…]
Is Your Produce Killing You?
How many of your fruits and vegetables have toxic chemicals? About 65 percent of the produce samples test positive. Environmental Working Group (EWG) released for the 10th year in a row their list of the most pesticide contaminated produce know as the Dirty Dozen™.
Get Your Free Vitamin D: Sunshine
Vitamin D is vital for vibrant health! It is a fat-soluble nutrient that enhances the intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.
Health benefits of vitamin D includes; stronger bones and muscles, prevention of osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease and reduced cancer risk especially colon cancer.
Sunshine Nutrient
Did you know…the body can synthesize vitamin D in the skin from cholesterol when the sun exposure is adequate.
So how much sunshine is adequate? First keep in mind that your body will not absorb vitamin D from sunlight through a window and on cloudy or smoggy days. So be sure to use your sunscreen under these conditions to reduce the risk for skin cancer. Shoot for 20 minutes a day of sunshine outside without sunscreen is best. It is the simplest way to get vitamin D in your body! [Read more…]