Searching for your fountain of youth? The secret may be found in your lust for life!
Watch on YouTube the song “Lust for Life” co-written by Iggy Pop and David Bowie way back in 1977. I know some of you may not have been born yet! It is such a fun and energizing beat. Makes you want to get up and dance! Fun fact: Bruce Willis covered this song for the soundtrack of the 2003 film “Rugrats Go Wild”.
Just 30 minutes a day of any physical activity is all that it takes to live young!
Regular activity turns back the clock reducing the signs of aging from the inside out! Overall, being active stimulates the growth of new brain cells, improves heart and lung function, strengthens your muscles and reduces your risk to chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, stroke, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Physical activity may help you…
Live longer. Being active cuts the risk of premature death by 50% for both men and women studies have shown.
Reduce stress. Aerobic exercise lowers levels of the stress hormones and may be a natural relief for depression.
Protect against colds and flu. Simply with moderate workouts you can maintain a healthier immune system and catch fewer infections.
Improve asthma. With upper-body exercises and yoga breathing practices you can reduce the need to use an inhaler in mild cases of asthma.
Prevent heart attacks. Regular exercise raises your good cholesterol HDL and lowers blood pressure reducing your risk for stroke and heart disease.
Control blood sugar. Activity helps maintain a healthy blood-sugar level by controlling weight and increasing the cells sensitivity to insulin.
Protect against cancer. Exercise may protect against breast and prostate cancer by regulating hormone levels. It may also reduce the risk of colon cancer by moving waste through the gut faster and lowering insulin levels.
Relieve hot flashes. Increasing your physical activity with walking and yoga reduces menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats and improves mood.
Live young. Increasing your aerobic capacity by 20% with walking, golf, bowling and cycling can shave 15 years off your age!
What is your favorite activity to keep you living young?
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Cheers to a Healthy Life!
Photo credit: Photodune