Have you tried flaxseed yet? Do you know the benefits of flax? Here’s my list of 4 benefits of flaxseed and why you should consider adding it to your diet.
Benefits and Nutrients of Flaxseed
Anti-inflammatory system – “essential” omega-3 fatty acids means they must be consumed because our body doesn’t make them and plays an important role with inflammation.
Keep bowels regular – flax is a great source of fiber.
Reduce breast and prostate cancer risk – flax contains lignans which alters the way your body metabolizes estrogen into safer forms.
Regulate hot flashes and menstrual cycle – daily dose of 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed recommended to reap the benefits.
[iconbox title=”Tip” icon=”Key.png”]Flaxseed contains 8 grams of fiber per tablespoon.[/iconbox] [Read more…]