Which person are you in this photo…the one eating junk food or whole foods? Wonder how you can improve your food habits? Let’s explore what habits are all about!
This quote by Lao Tzu clearly defines how habits create a path to your destiny:
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” ~Lao Tzu
Habit defined from Dictionary.com:
Defined: “An acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary; a particular practice, custom, or usage; a dominate or regular disposition or tendency, prevailing character or quality.”
Examples: “The habit of looking both ways before crossing the street; the habit of shaking hands; she has a habit of looking at the bright side of things.”
Good habits create positive routines helping us to simplify our lives both mentally and physically.
Bad habits tend to lock us into negative patterns creating unhealthy lifestyles. Changing bad habits to good ones require new patterns and increased energy to overcome resistant to change. Hence why so many people fall back into their old bad habits, it’s just easier.
You can do this! New positive habits can be accomplished with practice and repetition reducing the resistance. Each new day the good habit will get easier and easier.
A lot of us choose bad food habits from time to time. Mine tends to hit this time of year because of my LOVE for everything pumpkin! I’m not talking just pumpkin pie. There’s pumpkin spice latte’s, pumpkin bars, bread, cookies oh my! All of these treats are probably not a healthy choice for me who use to suffer from migraines and low blood sugar. But when I travel I do get tempted for a slice of Starbuck’s pumpkin loaf. My mind starts to follow Lao’s habit quote. Thoughts of eating a yummy slice become words of self-talk to take action to stop at the nearest Starbuck’s and buy a slice! The key is to resist the temptation of creating a bad food habit.
Just imagine how your body would feel from eating healthier choices. No more…bloating, mood swings, lack of energy, sugar blues, lackluster skin, migraines…and the list goes on.
Isn’t your body worth changing to good food habits?
How are you using habits to create a path to your destiny? I’d love to hear from you!
Photo credit: Photodune
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Cheers to a Healthy Life!