Top 5 Healthy Habits to Living Young series fourth article – Benefits of Physical Activity. Check back for future posts to read more about my top healthy habits.
You’ve probably heard the saying; use your body or you will lose it! It’s important as we age to keep moving so both our body and mind stay healthy. So let’s get physical and live a long healthy life! Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of physical activity and some of my top activity and exercise picks.
Benefits of Physical Activity
Physical activity is necessary for both optimal health and longevity. Being active will reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart, stroke and diabetes. It will improve your mood, self-confidence and self-worth. A regular exercise program will help to prevent weight gain and aids in weight loss. Activity can reduce your stress, help you sleep better and keep your memory functions stronger.
Activity versus Exercise
Activity will benefit all three of these areas; your body, mind and spirit. Choose an activity that you like and will stick with it. Here are some of my top activity picks:
- Body activities include; gardening to strengthen muscles, dancing to burn up to 200 calories every half-hour, water aerobics to keep your joints stress free, bowling just for fun and walking is so easy to do anywhere; in your neighborhood, at the mall and on vacation.
- Mind and memory function activities include; reading books, positive attitude and playing card games with others. Always be learning something new every day.
- Spirit calming activities such as yoga and meditation helps reduce tension and stress, teaches patience and fills your life with more joy and fulfillment.
Exercise will keep you fit, flexible and energized. Focus on these three key areas choosing one exercise from each group per week:
- Cardio keeps the blood flowing and heart pumping. Try some of these exercises that benefits the whole body; swimming, biking, hiking, tennis and walking.
- Balance is very important as we age. It keeps you limber and can prevent falls. Do frequent stretching upon waking each day and give yoga or Pilates a try.
- Strength training keeps both your bones and muscles stronger as you age. Use elastic resistance bands, light free weights and furniture or walls for resistance training at home.
Active Body Active Mind
Did you know that being active can improve your mind and actually train your brain? We all know exercise helps our heart health and weight loss. Well exercise can also make you smarter; affect your mood, vitality, alertness, and feelings of well-being. Just 30 minutes of activity stimulates your nervous system releasing serotonin and dopamine that make us feel calm, happier and functioning at a higher level.
So no matter what activity or exercise you choose, invite a friend to join you and have a good time staying active and healthy together!
List of resources, all worth checking out.
8 Ways to Stay Active All Day – no gym or equipment required from
How Do I Keep My Brain Smart by Dr Mehmet Oz from
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Cheers to a Healthy Day!
Lou Ann Donovan