A recent Harvard Medical study posed the provocative question: can the Mediterranean diet affect longevity? Yes!
Wonder how it does that at the DNA level?
The ongoing question about whether it’s biology or habits has vexed mankind. Our destiny has some given limits without a doubt. Some people cannot ever hope to run a 4 minute mile because of body structure right?
Eat the right foods and run a 4 minute mile…NO! Use the right food habits and change YOUR DNA…YES! DNA is subject to our habits: it is directly affected by our dietary intake. The right habits via the Mediterranean diet slows the relentless effects of time. FACT.
Interested in maxing out your chances of living well and longer?
Highlights that caught my eye:
“It found women who ate a Mediterranean diet had longer telomeres.” “Telomeres are part of your chromosomes, the thread-like structures that house your DNA.”
healthy “lifestyle choices can help prevent accelerated shortening (of the telomere).”
The research findings further support the health benefits of the whole Mediterranean diet:
“the health benefits of greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet for reduction of overall mortality, increased longevity and reduced incidence of chronic diseases, especially major cardiovascular diseases.”
Interesting to note, it’s not just one superfood:
“None of the individual dietary components was associated with telomere length. Researchers suggest that means the whole diet is an important element, rather than one item being a kind of superfood.”
Read the entire article, “Eating the Mediterranean diet may lead to a longer life” here.
Here’s a list of Mediterranean foods to eat and what not eat:
What Foods To Eat
Eat an abundance of these antioxidant and anti-inflammatory rich foods:
- Nuts, legumes, seeds
- Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil
- Whole grains
- Vegetables and fruits
- Low-fat cheese and Greek yogurt
- Poultry
- Seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids
What Foods NOT To Eat
Reduce or replace the following inflammation causing foods:
- High-fat cheese and milk
- White refined breads, rice, pasta and sugar
- Red meat
Could you commit to a daily Mediterranean diet to live a healthier and longer life? I’d love to hear from you!
Helpful Resources:
The Mediterranean Diet Myths, Facts and Health Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet from Helpguide.org
Genes vs. Lifestyle: What Matters Most for Health? from WebMD.com
Photo credit: Photodune
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Cheers to a Healthy Life!