You never hear anyone say they are addicted to protein do you? So why do we respond to our cravings for sugar, carbs and salt? Is it lack of will power or is it a brain response that you are unable to control?
A new study on sugar addiction from my go to site suggests that high glycemic foods also known as bad carbs and foods high in sugar can be just as addictive as cocaine.
Food Addiction or Craving?
You may be addicted to sugar, carbs and salt if you…
- need more of the foods you crave to experience pleasure
- keep eating these foods despite negative consequences
- feel tired and lack energy after eating these foods
- consume these foods even though you aren’t hungry
You may just be craving food…when you eat 1 cookie contrasted to addictive behavior by devouring the entire box.
Salt while not receiving as much press can be equally addictive.
“Andrew Weil, M.D. says, Some scientific evidence suggests that there is an element of addiction to salt cravings” in his article “Are You Addicted to Salt?”
Here’s a tip from Dr. Weil, “If you reduce your sodium consumption gradually, over time you will find that your taste for sodium will change, and foods you once enjoyed will seem too salty.”
Solution: It’s time to stop blaming yourself. Does the overeat-guilt-self-loathe-overeat cycle solve anything? Instead consider a detox/cleanse to rid your body of sugar, carbs and salt. This addiction has been solved.
Benefits: You will enjoy more energy, less colds and flu, reduced risk to chronic illness and your body will thank you!
“Some animal studies show that sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, who’s been researching the effect of the sweet stuff on our systems for 20 years, and has complied the latest findings into his new book, “The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.”
Further, Dr Hyman says, “And worse, sugar actually causes diabetes and obesity.”
How about you? Do you have a food addiction or is it just a food craving? I’d love to hear from you!
Photo credit: Photodune
Cheers to a Healthy Life!