Imagine in your mind how good it feels to walk around barefoot – on a beach, in the grass, the dirt or even rocks. When growing up I couldn’t be bothered with shoes. I loved being barefoot!
Sadly modern conveniences like plastic and rubber on shoes, concrete asphalt sidewalks and streets and rugs in our homes have separated us from this contact with the earth.
Keep reading to learn how practicing earthing can actually boost your health, reduce the signs of aging, improve your sleep and many more health benefits.
Earthing (grounding) defined:
The practice of making contact with the earth by walking barefoot on grass, dirt, rock or sand. It works even better when the ground is moist or wet because water is a powerful conductor.
Boost Your Health with Earthing
Why earthing and how does it work?
When we come in contact with the earth, negatively charged electrons enter your body and act as antioxidants which neutralize a positive effect to free radicals. So what are free radicals all about? They are unstable molecules that can do major damage to our internal organs causing chronic inflammation and diseases.
So earthing is a simple and quick way to boost your health plus you are accessing free antioxidants from the electron-enriched earth!
Here are a few ways earthing can boost your health:
- More Energy
- Better Sleep
- Less Stress
- Reduce Inflammation
- Better Mood
I invite you to add the practice of earthing to your life!
Start with 15 minutes a day walking around barefoot on grass, dirt, sand or rock. Sitting on the ground gardening, stretching exercises on the grass or swimming in the salt water ocean all count as earthing too.
Don’t have daily access to a safe outdoor space, there are earthing / grounding devices you can purchase like mattress pads, body patches and more.
A research conclusion from one of my favorite go to health sites says:
“The research done to date supports the concept that grounding or earthing the human body may be an essential element in the health equation along with sunshine, clean air, water, nutritious food, and physical activity.”
See the entire research article from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health titled “Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons.”
Heal your body naturally from the inside out with nutrition and live young every day!
Photo credit: Photodune
Cheers to a Healthy Life!