The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years. ~ Deepak Chopra
Here are some simple ways to extend your life so you can live young, look young and be young…
1 Laugh out loud daily to improve your heart health! Tell a funny story, joke or watch a video. Laughter immediately decreases stress and increases the immune cells antibodies improving your resistance to disease.
2 Reduce Stress with yoga and breathing practices. My sister and I have been taking a relax and restore class for 4 years at our favorite studio, Darling Yoga owned by Emily Darling. In addition practice Dr. Andrew Weil’s 4-7-8 breathing technique 2 times daily then use it as an easy way to destress anywhere at any time.
3 Positive Mindset is another way of reducing stress that we all seem to have these days with our overbooked lives! Positive thinking can improve your health by eliminating negative self-talk, lower the risk of depression and heart disease and builds resistance to the common cold!
4 Sleep 7-8 hours each night to recharge your brain and body to stay healthy all year long. Getting too little sleep and possibly too much can increase your risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
5 Vitamin Supplements are an important way to fill in your diet’s nutritional gaps. I have supplemented for years and my doctor is amazed that I have no complaints about any pain at my age of 63!
6 Balance slowly decreases as we age. To prevent falls and broken bones, practice daily standing on one leg for a count of 10 and then stand on the other leg. Up the count over time to increase your balance.
7 Vitamin D is best absorbed from the sun! Get your natural daily dose by spending 15-20 minutes outside without sunscreen. But when the sun isn’t shining common food sources are non-dairy almond milk and yogurt, orange juice and mushrooms plus take a daily vitamin D supplement.
8 Bone Broth is packed with essential nutrients and minerals that are anti-inflammatory, gut-healing proteins and healthy fats. Use bone broth as a base for soups and also sip on an 8-oz cup seasoned with organic turmeric, cayenne and black pepper, sea salt and garlic. Benefits includes; relief from joint pain, improves digestion and reduces inflammation.
9 Social Activity is the best way to live young as you age! Get involved with your community and ask about volunteer opportunities. Being connected gives you a sense of purpose, a routine and a way to meet new people. Engage in activities that will stimulate the mind and learn new skills to keep the brain active and young!
10 Be Kind to everyone you meet as you never know what struggles they might be going through. A daily smile to a stranger can brighten up their day! Being kind also reduces stress – try it!
11 Physical Activity is so important for the heart and bones as we age. Pick an activity that you will stick with like walking, running, climbing stairs, swimming and tennis. Commit to 30 minutes a day or 10-minute intervals 3 times a day and do 4-5 times a week. Add a note to your mobile phone calendar as a reminder!
12 Clean Eating is a healthy plant-based diet full of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables from all the colors of the rainbow. It’s worth a few extra cents to your body’s health to choose organic produce. A few of my favorites are; red and yellow peppers, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, yellow squash, green zucchini, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
13 Unplug every day for at least an hour or two! We all seem to be attached to our mobile phones. Remember to spend time being social talking to friends without looking at your phone. Also unplug from everything electronic about an hour before bedtime to give your brain a chance to unwind.
14 Annual Checkups with your doctor are an important part of taking care of your body. Preventive tests and blood labs tell the true story of what’s on going inside. I would rather know even if it’s bad then I can make shifts to my diet and exercise to improve my body’s health and longevity!
So get ready, take care of your body and live a long and healthy life! Heal your body naturally from the inside out with nutrition and live young every day!
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Photo credit: Photodune
Cheers to a Healthy Life!
Click on my name above to visit my Meet Lou Ann page and learn more about me and my passion for healthy living, community and social media.