MaryAnne shared this blog post with me last month and I considered myself tagged with this fun series. So get ready to learn 11 Things About Me from her questions plus 11 Random Facts!
The Rules:
Post these rules.
- Post a photo of yourself and 11 random facts about you.
- Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
- Create 11 new questions and tag new people to answer them.
- Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.
11 Random Facts:
- Lover of art thanks to my mom who worked at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art for 20 years. Some of my favorites are Impressionism, American Thomas Hart Benton, Photography, European and Japanese. Many times mom would sneak us in the side door for special exhibits.
- A few years after high school my sister and I jumped in my 1969 Mustang and drove to Aspen, Colorado then on to Portland, Oregon to visit her friend on up to Idaho to visit our Aunt down through Montana to camp at Glacier National Park where we couldn’t drive the tent stakes into the cold ground. The camping was a bit funny, frustrating and Brrr…cold!
- My freshman year in college I started studying to be an architect like my grandpa Philip who designed the Unity Church on the Plaza in Kansas City, MO. Then switched to civil engineering to design highways and finally graduated with degree in accounting like my dad.
- During my elementary school years they could have easily decided that I was either ADD or ADHD. No one ever talked about it back then. In reality I just liked being busy playing outside instead of studying inside. I still like being busy and actually get more done that way!
- My trip of a lifetime was when I spent 3 weeks in Italy, jumped on a cruise ship stopping at a few Greek islands then ending up in Athens. About 30 of us traveled there through the college. I actually received Art History credit hours for writing a paper about my trip. I still remember the trip like it was yesterday and would love to go back to Italy!
- The door opened for me to be a stay at home mom 10 years ago. Honestly wasn’t sure if I could do it then discovered my passion for helping non-profits just like my mom. Started out volunteering at my son’s school where he was in 3rd grade plus helped a few other non-profits. Just this year I’m honored to be invited to join The Salvation Army Board in Olathe, KS to assist with E-Communications and Social Media.
- Love everything pumpkin! In fact I wrote a blog post called ‘Tis the Season for Pumpkin. Let’s see there’s pumpkin pie, muffins, cookies and then drinks like pumpkin spiced latte and pumpkin spiced protein shake oh and pumpkin seeds. I’m sure I forget a few.
- I’m an accountant turned “social” actually social media geek. Most people think accountants sit in a cubicle, are quiet all day long and not very social. So I surprise people when I tell them I use to be an accountant. I actually love numbers, math, and financial statements I could go on and on…
- All my life I’ve had the travel bug. I truly “live” to travel. After graduating from high school I hoped in a car with 3 other friends and I mostly rode and they took turns driving us to Arizona for a week and then on the Los Angeles, California where we visited my relatives. I have been traveling every year since that trip to Europe, Caribbean, and Mexico and all over America.
- Always been a career driven person but absolutely loved being a stay at home mom. Time is such a gift and what better way to spend your time with your kids. So being laid off from my last accountant job was a blessing. It allowed me to build a lasting relationship with my son and fun memories of him growing up and always having his mom close by.
- Love everything social and have become quite the people person. It all started out with attending various networking groups a few years back, reading books on how to network and then building strong relationships with like-minded people. It’s quite addicting and just love meeting new people!
MaryAnne’s Questions
- When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I loved P.E. class so thought I wanted to teach Physical Education until I found out how many science classes you had to take. I was never really interested in science like my sister.
- What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
When it is rainy outside I like to get all comfy in my recliner chair with a book, my cat and a blanket. I see a nap in my future with this setup. When I was a kid I spent rainy days outside in the rain.
- What are you reading right now?
I’m usually reading 2-3 personal development books with one in my car, one by my computer, etc. Always find time to read a chapter. Right now I’m reading “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie a must read for everyone and “Little Red Book of Sales Answers” by Jeffrey Gittomer.
- If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
My ideal place would be where there is no humidity, temperatures range in the 70’s during the day and beautiful mountains in my backyard.
- What do you miss most about being a kid?
I miss most playing all day long. I was always outside down the street or at the playground. You see I was a tomboy so always busy climbing trees, chasing my older sister with worms and about anything else to cause trouble.
- What do you miss least about being a kid?
I miss least being told what to do and when to do it. Kids really don’t have much freedom of speech or choices about what they get to do.
- What’s your idea of a perfect vacation?
Relaxing with a beach close by taking each day by day, going with the flow, enjoying the moment. You get the idea. Being on a private island in the Caribbean would be the perfect place for my relaxing vacation.
- How do you cope with tough days?
Well I start off each day believing that it will be a positive day! When a kink gets thrown into my day I listen to upbeat music and read positive thoughts and get back on track. You get to decide whether to have a good day or a not so good day.
- What is the best advice you ever got?
Best advice I ever got was to go to college. I was not a very good student through most of my school years until I got to college. I really loved most of my classes especially my accounting major classes.
- If resources (time, money, etc.) were not an issue, what is a hobby you would love to explore, and why?
I would like to get back to playing golf regularly. I enjoy playing, meeting new people, its good exercise and love being outside.
- What is your favorite color? Has it always been your favorite?
Red has always been my favorite color. I like to add splashes of red around my house and sometimes I wear red. I just like this color because it feels vibrate and alive.
My Questions
If you made it clear to the end of this post, like these types of things and haven’t been tagged by someone yet, consider yourself tagged, let me know you’re answering, and I’ll be sure to read it! Send me a tweet or email.
- Do you have a bucket list or I call it a “live list”? List a couple of items from the list.
- How do you stay motivated to get everything done each day?
- What is your favorite physical activity/exercise?
- What one food is your favorite?
- Would you rather visit an art gallery or attend a music concert?
- What one place would you love to visit?
- Have you ever had someone mentor you?
- What are you reading right now?
- Do you have a cat or dog and why?
- Do you like to be random when you vacation or have it all planned out?
- What would you do with 2 extra hours – get a massage, play 9 holes of golf, etc.?